Every Saturday at 10:45 AM (EST)
Is yoga good if YOU
have an herniated disc?
You have one or more herniated lumbar discs: should you do yoga or not?
To answer this question, we have to answer this key question: what is yoga?
Yoga is a practice focused on improving yourself and get you in balance.
What does it mean?
It means spending some time using the poses and other exercises (like breathing, meditation, etc) to correct what is not balanced. And improve what is already working.
So, everybody who has a body can do yoga and, done with this goal, yoga is always good.
Doing yoga in a way that
is wrong for your body
The problem is doing yoga exercises that aren't right for your body.
In general, yoga classes are thought for a body that is pretty much in balance, because it considers the average of a group of people.
If you have an herniated disc or other physical problem, you should not attend a general fitness class, unless you know how to modify the exercises in the right way for your body.
Otherwise, you risk to hurt yourself or make your lumbar disc problem worse.
And YOGA FOR BACK PAIN IS NOT A GOOD OPTION EITHER , because they are mostly thought for people who has tight lumbar muscles, and this is not our problem, actually this kind of classes will probably push the herniation even forward!
Ideally, anyone should do yoga in a different way: customizing the sequence of poses, in order to correct body imbalances, and modifying executions to match body capability.
And surely this is KEY for you if – like me – you have herniated lumbar disc problems.
And the same if you have any other kind of herniated discs, lordosis, kyphosis, sciatica or any other physical problem.
In a nutshell: the RIGHT yoga, done in the RIGHT way can do good for you because it teaches you to feel, understand and manage your body (and your pain).
So, just doing any yoga exercise, thinking it will help no matter what, can be dangerous.
On the other hand, just avoiding yoga because it can be dangerous, prevents you from the good you can get from yoga.
"Lumbar Yoga":
yoga classes modified for
herniated disc issues
That is why I created this "modified yoga class" for people with lumbar herniated disc problems.
I am doing "modified yoga classes" to teach you
- What yoga poses to do and how
- What yoga poses to avoid and why
- How to keep working on the rest of your body even if you have an herniated disc problem
So you understand how to modify your yoga practice to avoid making your situation worse and, on the other hand, getting your body closer to balance.
There will be different kinds of "Lumbar Yoga" classes, that will focus on different parts of the body and different goals.
Depending on the attendance, I will do my best to give attendees personalized feedback and answers.
Who has done it says...

Why me
My name is Daniela Novati and I am a yoga teacher that is living, practicing and teaching with lumbar discs issues
I had 4 of them since 2009, and in the years they healed naturally, just with the right exercises and awareness.
One, L5-S1 re-herniated years after due a small accident and it was seriously bed, almost 1" x 0.5" protrusion.
After 1 year I went for surgery, because even Lumbar Yoga helped me a lot there were many things I could not do so I decided to go for it.
However, in the meantime I learned all the modifications to yoga poses that let me practice and teach without making my herniated disc worse., And I learn how to do many more things in my life, moving in the correct way.
Also it helped me a lot on the post surgery to recover and is keeping myself strong and aware even now!
With my experience of teaching yoga I could create specific modifications and understand how they work.
That is why I feel confident that I can teach you the right modification for your poses.
What we do
The Lumbar Yoga class will be a combination of explanations and a "modified" yoga practice.
This is not a "physiotherapy for herniated disc" class.
And is not a classic yoga class for back pain (that is usually not good for who has our problem)
It is a slow beginners Vinyasa (flow) yoga class to experience the benefits of yoga, but adjusted for people like us with an herniated disc problem.
This means that will avoid or modify all the poses that can push the hernia further out (even when they don't give us pain!).
And on top of that we add:
- extra stretching exercises to elongate the muscles that you usually contract (because of the spasms related to your herniated disc problem)
- extra stretching exercises for the spine (Eldoa) and tissue education exercises (McKenzie) to help to contain the disc hernia and to improve mobility.
Modified Practice – around 1 hour
There will be modifications to poses and sequences where needed for our specific situation.
Every class will have a specific focus on different parts of the body.
We will work on things like...
- Learn how to modify Yoga poses and sequences
- "How to sit" and "How to breath"
- Stretching exercises (with particular attention for sciatica)
- Static & safe abs
- Correct posture
- Balance
- Strength
- Hips opening
- Chest opening
- Neck and shoulders release
...and more!
What YOU get with the
Lumbar Yoga Membership
I created the Lumbar Yoga Membership as the best solution for YOU to get the benefit of this special yoga class.
- 3 "Full Body" recorded classes (not available elsewhere) – Immediately after registering you get access to 2 "Full Body" classes that will be always available for you
– Regular class – This is a complete Lumbar Yoga class, well balanced for all your body on the mat, using blocks, strap and stick
– Wall class – Like the Regular class, but with the wall as a prop for specific exercises
- Chair Class - we using a chair with not arms, to require less strength but more precision - 7 "Special" recorded classes ($70 value) – Immediately after registering for the membership you get access to 7 Special Classes that I have recorded. I sell them for $10 each, but are yours for FREE
— Lumbar Yoga BASIC – The original Lumbar Yoga class where I teach all the key modifications to your yoga practice
— Lumbar Yoga | Chest Opening – In this special class we will see special exercises to open the chest (one of the most common issues)
— Lumbar Yoga | Hips – In this special class we will see special exercises to work on the hips (great feeling!)
— Lumbar Yoga | Strength & Smile – In this special class we will work on increasing our strength.. but in a gentle way
— Lumbar Yoga | Neck & Shoulders – In this special class we will work on relaxing our neck and shoulders (I am sure you will like it!)
— Lumbar Yoga | Stretching – In this special class we will work on stretching... but always in control of our herniated issue
— Lumbar Yoga | Mc Gills – In this special class we will add to the class the "Big 3" Mc Gills exercises for a healthy back, plus a few other tricks I have learned in his course
And more Specialized Classes to come...
I will add periodically other Special Classes to your Membership, always FREE for you
- A Live Zoom Class time to time
- My direct answers to your questions – Only reserved to the Membership: you can ask me questions directly using the comments on each video. I will answer and give additional answers to the questions that seem interesting for most, in the live class.
The Lumbar Yoga Membership is simply the only yoga class for people with herniated disc issues.
Register TODAY.
Who has done Lumbar Yoga says...

Is this class for you?
I am confident I can advise people who have my same issue (lumbar herniated disc) because I have first-hand experience.
So if you...
- have a lumbar herniated disc(s) problem – those are the most common
- already do yoga even at a very basic level
- or you want to learn how to use yoga to feel better (relax your mind while exercising and balancing your body)
...this class will surely benefit you!
Because I will teach you yoga modifications that are original and based on "first hand" experience of a yoga teacher doing yoga with herniated lumbar discs.
More testimonials...